Ho trovato questo articolo che parla di una differenza tra windows e linux - si riferisce ad una versione differente di odoo e non trovo i riferimenti corretti - mi sapete indicare quale file devo modificare:
To remedy this issue, I force Odoo to set a fixed DPI (in my case 96dpi, following defaults for Windows and Mac OSX where we develop our projects) when it calls wkhtmltopdf to generate PDF. Because in essence Odoo engine calls wkhtmltopdf as a console command (subprocess.Popen() to be exact), we just have to add dpi-related option in this call.
Head to file addons/report_webkit/webkit_report.py on development and production server, find method generate_pdf() (in my version of Odoo 8, it is around line 160), look for this line:
Above or below it, add this line:
command.extend() # or whichever DPI you decide to use
Then restart the Odoo server/service.
Inoltre dice di provare a modificare il css per i report ma non capisco dove lo trovo
Note: while we are at it, I also found a subtle difference in line height between Windows and Linux. This is because I don't define fixed line height for the generated contents. In qweb or mako XML definition, add this in CSS section:
body {
line-height: 16px; /* or whatever height you like */
Per il momento ho provato a modificare il valore DPI dall'impostazione del Formato della carta ma nessun cambiamento